
Hamilton County Humane Society Donation

August is known as the dog days of summer. Why is that? Because they are hot? Or because it has so many dog holidays?

  • Aug. 10th National Spoil Your Dog Day
  • Aug. 20th International Homeless Animal Day
  • Aug. 23rd International Blind Dog Day
  • Aug. 26th National Dog Day

We love dogs and it was brought to our attention about the dogs at the Humane society being scared and anxious. So, we decided during the remaining part of August to do a buy one give one for pet CBD.

For every purchase of a 30 pack or a 4 pack and every purchase of a 750 mg for pets, we will donate one to the Hamilton county Humane society.

Don’t hold back stock up now and supply the Humane society with lots of CBD for those scared and lonely dogs. The last day to purchase is August 31st. Then we will set up a delivery date with the Humane society whom we have already talked with and take a few pics to post.